Authenticity Policy

Verified Buyer badge

Ryviu adds a "verified purchase" badge to each review to increase trust and help customers make informed purchasing decisions. This badge indicates that the reviewer has actually purchased the product they are reviewing. You can customize the text of the badge in your Ryviu dashboard.

Asking for reviews

Ryviu can grab reviews by sending emails to customers to ask for their product reviews after each purchase is completed. With this feature, merchants can have more chances to collect reviews for building social proof on their store.

Leaving a review

Buyers can leave reviews inside the email review form or via the review widget on the product page.
Ryviu will send merchants emails to inform them about the new reviews.
All reviews will be added in the Ryviu dashboard, so store owners can check and approve reviews before publishing.

Showing ratings outside your store

Ryviu can add review snippets (Google structured data) to your product page, which allows star ratings to appear on Google results. This feature can improve your store's SEO ranking and drive more sales to your business.

Edit policy

Reviews should not be edited in order to maintain the integrity of reviewers' feedback and avoid presenting misleading information to potential customers.

No authenticity restrictions on the free plan

"Verified Buyer" badges and the reply function are also part of the free plan.

Approve reviews

By default, reviews are automatically published. However, you can enable review curation to manually approve reviews before they are published.

Import of legacy reviews

If you have reviews from another review app, you can import them into Ryviu via a CSV file. The CSV file should include the product handle, review content, rating, review date, reviewer name, and reviewer email.