Best Practices for Displaying Product Reviews on Your eCommerce Site

Nov 11, 2023
Alice Pham

Product evaluations are more than simple expressions of opinion in the lightning-fast world of eCommerce; rather, they serve as an essential link in a trusting relationship between customers and companies. A review system that is well-managed not only assists prospective consumers in making informed purchase decisions but also serves as a gauge for the quality of the product and the level of happiness experienced by customers. However, the presentation of these evaluations may have a big impact on both the effectiveness of the reviews themselves and how people regard your business. 

In this piece, we will look into the best practices for showing product reviews on your online retail store's website. These techniques are intended to increase consumer interaction, improve transparency, and eventually boost sales, all while establishing a community of trust and feedback from those customers. These insights will help you maximize the display of client feedback, turning reviews into a strong tool for your online business. Whether you want to encourage genuine reviews or make use of the power of analytics, these insights will guide you in the right direction.

1. Encourage Authenticity

"Genuine customer feedback is essential to building confidence in the online retail industry. Streamline the review procedure for consumers and give them incentives to submit sincere comments to encourage customer participation. Think about incentivizing review submissions with discounts or points that can be used for future purchases. 

Bring attention to the significance of authentic reviews on your website and reassure visitors that their feedback, regardless of whether it is favorable or negative, will be taken into consideration. Implementing verification methods to guarantee that only consumers who have purchased the product may write a review is one way to reduce the risk of receiving feedback that is inaccurate or misleading." - Zephyr Chan, Founder and Growth Marketer at Better Marketer

2. Easy and Accessible Review Process

"The procedure of leaving a review needs to be as painless and straightforward as is humanly feasible. Develop a user-friendly form for submitting reviews that can be accessed easily, especially on mobile devices. Reduce the amount of necessary fields to prevent overwhelming the consumer. In addition, instructions and choices for the submission of reviews should be presented clearly and concisely. 

These options should include star ratings, text inputs, and the possibility to submit photographs or videos. Accessibility features, such as compatibility with screen reader software and alternate language for photographs, make it possible for all customers, including those with impairments, to post reviews in an uncomplicated manner." - Lieu Dang, Marketing Manager, Ling App

3. Showcase a Variety of Opinions

"Displaying a variety of evaluations, ranging from overwhelmingly favorable to very negative, promotes transparency and fosters trust in the product or service. Customers tend to place more credence in reviews that contain a variety of perspectives since this reflects the reality of having a variety of experiences with the product being reviewed. 

Showcase the best favorable reviews, but also include any bad reviews along with your responses to improve them. This equilibrium lets prospective customers acquire a more complete picture of the goods, which in turn enables them to make more educated judgments on their purchases." - Shannon Coventry, Marketing Manager at First Vehicle Leasing

4. Integrate Visual Reviews

"There is a considerable correlation between the presence of visual features in evaluations, such as customer images or videos, and an increase in both the legitimacy and relatability of the comments. Customers should be encouraged to post pictures or videos that illustrate the product being used. 

These photos give prospective customers a more accurate representation of what the product appears like, as opposed to the professional photographs that are often used to market it. Could you make sure that these visual reviews are presented and that they are simple to navigate?" - Arman Minas, Director at Armstone

5. Responsive Feedback Management

"It demonstrates that you respect customer input and are devoted to improving their experience if you actively reply to customer evaluations, regardless of whether those reviews are favorable or bad. Responding to unfavorable reviews in a way that is particular to the reader's issues and that offers answers or assistance should be done with a personalized touch. 

Not only does this help in addressing specific concerns, but it also shows other consumers that you are attentive and devoted to the pleasure of your clients. Maintaining an active and engaged online presence requires consistently monitoring reviews and responding in a timely way." - Adam Crossling, Head of Marketing at zenzero

6. Utilize Review Analytics

The analysis of review data may give extremely helpful insights into the preferences of customers and the effectiveness of products. Keep an eye on the trends in the reviews to find areas that might use some work, whether it be in terms of the product itself, customer service, or even new product development. Make use of analytics tools to monitor the frequency of reviews as well as their tone and substance. 

Your marketing strategy, product descriptions, and even decisions about inventory levels may all be improved with the use of this data. If you have a deeper grasp of consumer feedback, you will be able to adjust your eCommerce tactics to better match the requirements and requirements that customers have.


The customer experience may be considerably improved, as can the level of trust customers have in your eCommerce platform, just by using these best practices for showing product reviews. In this case, you can use Ryviu review app to apply these practices in your eCommerce sites. Ryviu can smoothly integrate with multiple eCommerce platforms. So whatever platform you are using like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Prestashop, Ryviu can help you build customer trust quickly with product reviews.