Link Between Domain Authority and Trust in Ecommerce

Feb 21, 2024
Alice Pham

Online shoppers use more than a gut feeling of trust when transacting. Some questions that go through their minds include; does your site look professional? Do reviews make you seem trustworthy? Is it generally a safe place to enter credit card numbers and personal information?That trust shapes everything shoppers do on your site, from browsing your products to checkout.

That means for eCommerce stores, trust andauthority matter if you want your online business to succeed. One way to attainthe two is by having high domain authority. But what does domain authority even mean? This is a score calculated by search engines that show how legitimate your site is, looking at whether other reputable sites link back to you, how useful your content is and the overall user experience on your site.  

Here's a further breakdown.  

What exactly is domain authority?

Domain authority, or DA, is a score developed by Moz that predicts how high a website might rank in search engine results. Scores range from one to 100. The idea is to give digital marketers and web admins insight into their site's search performance potential.

Image Source: Semrush

What influences domain authority?

Achieving a strong DA score and the improved search visibility that comes with it depends on several key factors:

1. Quality and quantity of backlinks

Backlinks remain one of the most significantinfluences on DA calculations. Search engines essentially view them as ‘votes’ fora particular site. However, the search algorithm favors backlinks fromreputable, high-authority sites rather than those with weaker DA.

Guest posting on authoritative sites in yourniche or working with a reliable blogger outreach service can help build quality backlinks from verified publishers organically, boosting your DA. Niche edits or editorial links are also a highly effective backlinking strategy, this time through existing content that’s relevant to you and the publisher. If you’re interested in treading this pathor getting more insight on niche edits, this page offers it.

2. Site age and content quality

Search algorithms favor older, established sites with a solid history over fly-by-night operations. Still, while site ageplays a role, search engines now prioritize content quality above all else. Regularly publishing valuable, well-researched, and expertly crafted articles has become the best path to improving DA.

3. User experience and mobile optimization

Recent studies show that 54% of consumers use their phones to search online. So, what does this number mean? Providing a seamless user and mobile experience is necessary if you want to establish a high DA, focusing on factors like site speed, navigation, and mobile responsiveness.

Why customer trust is essential for eCommerce success?  

When shopping online, customers can't physically examine products or interact face-to-face with sellers. This means trust plays an outsized role in consumers' purchasing decisions. Ecommerce sites that effectively convey credibility and inspire buyer confidence thrive.Those that fail on the trust front struggle to convert site visitors into paying customers.

The following are the top reasons why you must prioritize establishing consumer trust:

1.     Higher conversion rates

A 2021 survey involving 1000 respondents reveals that 80% consider trust a deciding factor in their purchase decision. And the more a customer trusts your brand, the more they’d feel comfortable entering personal details and clicking ‘buy.’

Many shoppers cite a lack of trust in an eCommerce business as a barrier to completing a transaction. So, you must reassure customers that their data is secure and that you'll fulfill orders as promised. In turn, your conversion rates are likely to rise.  

2.     Improved loyalty and retention

Customers who trust your operations are morelikely to return and buy again. They also tend to share positive word-of-mouth recommendations with friends and family on social media. When consumers feel confident in your brand promise, loyalty skyrockets, potentially contributingto dramatically lower customer acquisition costs over time.

So, how exactly can eCommerce sites demonstrate trustworthiness? Some primary signals include:  

·      Secure checkout and data protection: SSL certificates,secure payment gateways, and clearly outlined privacy policies all help ensure customers' data is safe. These foundations cement buyer confidence while protecting merchants from liability issues.  

·      Positive reviews and testimonials: Credible customer feedback offers social proofyour business delivers on its brand promise. Best-in-class sites prominently display authentic reviews and testimonials to nudge hesitant shoppers toward that all-important first purchase. This process can easily be done with Ryviu app.

·      Seamless website design: A confusing, cluttered site riddled with broken links and functionality issues sets off alarm bells for savvy online shoppers. Investing in clean, professional web design with easy user experience reassures visitors while driving higher conversions.

By following these strategies, you can easilybring your customers closer to your business, show them that you're about providing value to them, and are willing to offer a seamless experience. Oncetrust is established, they buy from you and spread the word about you.  

Building trust through domain authority

Today, shoppers are overwhelmed with optionsand naturally lean towards credible and reliable brands. This is where DA comes into play. It operates as a powerful trust-building tool by acting as anindicator of site quality, expertise, and integrity that both search engines and users recognize.

Let's explore further how DA helps strengthen consumer confidence.

1.     A badge of website quality and know-how  

A robust DA represents much more than justsolid SEO. It's a verified stamp of approval that search engines and visitorsassociate with competence and honesty. Here's why:

·      Search engine validation: Google and other search giants factor DA into rankings because higher scores suggest a site responsibly offers valuable,accurate information. Appearing prominently in results translates into greater visibility and potential customer engagement.  

·      Backing by quality sites: Influential websites would only link to you ifyour content added value. So, backlinks from authoritative sources endorse your knowledge level and content quality. This vote of confidence subconsciously tells visitors your site is legitimate.

·      Consistency underpins credibility: DA improves gradually as you consistently apply best practices like optimizing user experience and publishing great content. You reinforce your trustworthy reputation with return visitors by demonstrating long-term dedication to offering a high-caliber site.

Customers have a higher probability of trusting and clicking on your link if you're ranking higher. Note that the topmost organic result on Google Search can get a click-through rate of 28.5%, while the second placer gets a CTR of 15%. That’s quite a difference right there! So, strivingto always reach the first spot would be the best plan of action.

2.     Backlinks: the currency of trust  

In the online world, backlinks are far more valuable than simple links between sites. Quality backlinks from reputable websites carry tremendous influence, acting as trust capital that benefits your brand. Here's a detailed discussion:  

·      Transferring trust: A backlink from an authoritative site essentially lends you some of its hard-earned consumer confidence. It's like getting a word-of-mouth recommendation from a well-respected friend. This vote of confidence gives your brand credibility by association.

·      Signaling authority: Search algorithms interpret backlinks asindicators that a page offers useful, fact-based information. The more trustedsites link back to you, the more it bolsters your standing as a knowledgeable source in search results.

·      Driving organic growth: Higher rankings increase your visibility tothe right audiences. Organic search traffic holds more weight than paid ads, asvisitors proactively find your brand based on its authority within search engines. In short, backlinks fuel sustainable momentum and trust.

Links from high DA sites show search engines and users that your website is worth checking. When a relevant anchor text orkeyword carries the link, a user will likely follow it for more information. And if they do, they should find relevant content worth reading. This now leadsto the next step: content creation.

Source: Ahrefs

3.     The art of content creation  

You might have always wondered why content is king. Well, when it comes to eCommerce, the best way to communicate with your customers is through thoroughly crafted content. Whetherit's an informational blog, service or product description, or user-generated content, your visitors will always turn to them as a source of information.  

But it doesn't stop there. Organically building high-quality backlinks demands more than simply requesting links from other sites. It requires consistently producing compelling content that's worthlinking to.

Here's why quality content matters:

·      Value and usefulness: Content that enlightens, entertains, solves problems, or helps people makes for shareable, linkable assets. When creating truly useful resources, visitors naturally recommend your content, resulting incredible sites linking back to your expertise.

·      Demonstrating thought leadership: Publishing thoroughly researched, insider content establishes your authority within a specific niche. Sites looking to link to credible sources in your industry will take notice,sending more trust signals your way.

·      Relationship building encourages links: Collaborating withpeers, like participating in communities or cross-linking content, generates reciprocal value. These authentic relationships often organically lead to trustworthy sites referencing each other's work.

Keep in mind that establishing trust never stops. Stay focused on publishing content of exceptional quality, earning genuine backlinks slowly over time, and, above all else, ensuring a positive audience experience. Do this persistently, and your DA will naturally grow, commanding even more consumer confidence.


Building online trust is hugely difficult but attainable. Savvy eCommerce brands leverage Domain authority's power to convey expertise over time. This requires consistently producing valuable content, fostering ethical relationships, and optimizing for customers ahead of algorithms. Earn credibility with readers first, and domain authority success will follow.